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cms4site™ site construction and content management system 3.4.2

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Content file is a plain text file WITH lines separated BY line breaks (by pressing Enter key in text editor). Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(large space on break) Content file is a plain text file WITH lines separated BY line breaks (by pressing Enter key in text editor). Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(normal space on break) Content file is a plain text file WITH lines separated BY line breaks (by pressing Enter key in text editor). Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(small space on break) Content file is a plain text file WITH lines separated BY line breaks (by pressing Enter key in text editor). Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.
(no space on break) Content file is a plain text file WITH lines separated BY line breaks (by pressing Enter key in text editor). Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.


We can make text bold, italic, bolditalic, underlined, coloured, fixed width, big, small, subscript, superscript in any combinations according to html rules if it is allowed by site developer. We can also insert special characters by using html entities: €™.


(left) Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(right) Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(center) Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

(justified) Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings. Each line can be determined by content processor as AN object and create one or more object events. Every event action causes some html output defined by system settings.

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